Spring Sensation: Cherry Blossom

cherry blossom



“Fifteenth of May.  Cherry blossom. The swifts
Materialise at the top of a long scream
Of needle. ‘Look! They’re back! Look!’
And they’ve gone
On a steep controlled scream of skid”

Ted Hughes,  from The Swifts

(first noticed the swifts returning to Ludlow on 8th May this year – lovely to see and hear them again, now I know summer is on her way)

19 thoughts on “Spring Sensation: Cherry Blossom

  1. I’d love to have swifts near our house, but sadly I have never seen them. However… in the local park, many years ago now, I was walking the dog when lots of swifts appeared, flying to and fro and sweeping low over the grass and around where we were standing. It was marvellous.

    • They nest in the eaves of houses and barns and new houses and renovated barns don’t provide access. I guess there are sufficient old properties around here for them to return to. They are amazing birds, they even sleep whilst in the air and only rest when breeding! They are a sight to behold when swooping low for the insects like that.

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