Friday Fountain Challenge: December

My final contribution for this month is a real bobby dazzler – The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc in Barcelona. It was built for the Universal Exhibition of 1929 by Carles Buigas.



My daughter and I headed out to see the fountain in action on a Friday night in October. There seemed to be hundreds of people watching, but we managed to squeeze in and get a few photographs. We didn’t hear any music though so maybe we were too early for that combination and just after 9 pm we decided to leave and find a restaurant for dinner before everyone else had the same thought.

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It is not operating every night in the autumn and winter months so check before you  go and be prepared for crowds. However, it truly is magical.


If you’d like to join in with the fountain challenge then please pop over to Polianthus for the rules

As this is a post equivalent to a New Year’s Eve fireworks display, I shall wish all my blogging family a

Happy New Blogging Year

and I wish you all success, happiness, health and wealth and fun throughout 2017. Is it really seventeen years since the Millennium? I crept out of the house before dawn on that morning to photograph a sunrise. Not a very interesting one I’m afraid. But I did capture seven swans a-swimming

41 thoughts on “Friday Fountain Challenge: December

    • Now you have said that I wonder where it comes from? OK – back to Google…

      Well that was informative! Apparently a northern term, but no-one knows where bobby comes from AND there was a program called that in Australia in 1977 – probably before your time. I feel much better now… 😀

  1. I had the same reaction as you, Jude …. 17 years already!! How is that even possible?!

    Looking forward to a wonderful new year full of opportunities for adventure and fun 🙂

  2. Pingback: Fountain Challenge 46 – defunct January fountains | polianthus

  3. Pingback: Fountain Challenge 54: End of the fountain challenge – January defunct fountains | polianthus

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