A monster in the garden?

(click to enlarge to full size)


I spotted this unusual bract hiding in the leaves. I believe it to be a Wild Angelica, (Angelica sylvestris) Common Hogweeed (not to be confused with the rather poisonous Giant Hogweed) found in hedgerows and which grows to 1- 2 m in height. The large, mound-shaped flowers are pink-tinged at first, becoming white. I’ll feature the flowers later in the year.

(Thanks Steve for helping me identify this correctly. If you want exquisite flower photography then please pop over to his wonderful wild flowers of Texas site)

Macro Monday #21

30 thoughts on “Macro Monday #21

  1. It looks like it could bite… I had to look up umbellifer, thinking it was some kind of jungle terminology. Waiting for next episode now intrigued to know what the flower looks like.

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